A story

Monday, April 23, 2007

My day gone bad

Well today is Monday, and i was looking back on the weekend and saw something different.

Well Friday afternoon i enjoyed the sun and read a book.
then i went inside and mad myself a fruit salad, and did some homework

Saturday i did some gardening and cleaned the sunroom and did some wash
later i went the the resturant and helped prep. Came back and too a shower then went to work.

Sunday was very nice i made a skirt and did some homework. Took a walk to the plaza.....STOP

This is where my day went bad...

So my aunt and i are walking when a truck full of guys drives by...errrrrrrr. so they start honking and whistling and making some very rude comments at me!!!!

How rude.. you whistle at a dog! not at a young woman or any woman for that matter.

they were pigs!! undressing me with thier eyes and shouting and errr being gross. Why is it that men dont know how to talk to people or give a complament to a lady? What pigs. i whish i was stronger to say something but i just walked away. No one should be whistled at and called on like a dog. errr

A beautiful weekend gone bad by some pigs with a car. I say there is no respect for one another any longer!

Well what are you going to do?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The new girl

Well I'm here. Taos New Mexico.
Everything here is slower but that's ok, I needed to slow down. Its a little weird being the new girl again. No one knows me, but that's ok.
I have to say I am a little lonely here, well way lonely but I hope that will change. I know that God wanted me to step into the unknown but I can barley see infront of me here. Well we will see what's happens

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the Hero

Well i fell like a fallen hero. I tried to do something right but i failed. Funny how that happens. I tried to stand up for a friend while bein fair but it came back and hit me in the face. Never again.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last Day

Today is my last day at work. Its a bittersweet moment, I'm happy to be moving but sad about leaving the good times behind. I really love the team I work with and have learned a ton. I just hope that one day i can repay them for all the knwledge they have given me. Well we'll see what happens.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


At the young age of 17 i feel like so much more. Im going to be great in this world some way or another. I dont know how bu i know i will . I can fell it inside me and times it screams. Trying to get out and concor the world. but i hold i and control it. I have so much potential i just wish i had a great mentor to help me find my way. I can do i will. I feel it inside of me just burnning and fighting, the will to be more than you, to be the greates there ever was and ever will be. Just sitting here i feel it. I feel the burn the drive to do amazing great things. The Fire!

Just a small note

When feel all alone and your unsure of whats going on rember it will be ok.
We sit here and get scared of small stupid thing when we should be thankful.
Life here is so much better then most places. We have great lifes, our founding fathers have worked so hard to build this great life for us. Givethanks to gGod to have such a great life.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Well today has been a very interesting day. I slept till 8:30, open presents, then watched a movie. I love Christmas, its my favorite holiday but this year I didn't really get in to it. I don't really know why. Maybe all the faking around it? Well anyway Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

06 snow

So if you havent heard there was a blizzar the other day here in Cow town. It was amazing people were freaking out, schools closed, and i got off work early. It was amazing!!!! So i sat on my butt for a few day and played good citizen and pulled people out. SO i guess it was a good! The best part is my Christmas present! I'm going to a Bronco game!!!! yea!!!! Christmas Eve!!!!GOOOOOO Denver!